Wednesday, 01-10-2018

Strength. OHS 3-3-2-2-1-1 Conditioning. AMRAP 7 24 Double Unders 12 DB Snatch 35+/25+ 6 Box Jumps 24/20 Cash Out 3 Rounds 100m Farmers Carry

Thursday, 1-4-2018

Warm Up — Work through some of the movements Conditioning — AMRAP 15 5 Med Ball Clean 10 Push Up 15 Wall Ball 20 Double Under REST 5 AMRAP 15 Increase reps by 2 each round Air Squat Jumping Lunge HSPU RTG — Weight Vest

Friday, 12-22-2017

Group Warm-up 3 Rounds 10 Alternating one-legged KB Deadlifts + 5 Straight-leg RDLs Strength. Deadlift 5×2 90% clean and Jerk bar warm up Conditioning. Workout 11.3 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: Squat clean RX(165lb / 110lb) Masters 55+(135/75) Jerk RX(165lb /110lb) Masters 55+(135/75)

Tuesday, 12-19-2017

Partner Warm-up 4 minute AMRAP Conditioning. Teams of two. AMRAP 25 5 Push Press 95/65 5 T2B 5 Push-ups 5 Box Jump Overs 50M Run Partner 1 does Work, Partner 2 holds plank any style during all movements, except run Cash-Out Brent’s Choice

Tuesday, 12-05-2017

Group Warm-Up Conditioning — Team of Two — 30 Minute AMRAP Score = (Calories per minute) x (number of rounds completed) Non working partner rows for calories Working partner completes: 25 Double Unders 20 Kettlebell Swings 15 Russian Twists (1 Left, 1 Right) 5 HSPU Cash Out 400M Group Walk

Tuesday, 11-21-2017

Group Warm-up Conditioning. Team of 2 AMRAP 30 60 Double Unders 50 Cal. Row 40 OH Lunges 45/25 Plate 30 T2B 20 DB Snatch 30+/20+ 10 Tire Flips

Wednesday, 11-08-2017

Strength. Push or bench press 5 x 8 @ 60% Conditioning. 4 rounds with each round being a 3-minute amrap 6 deadlifts 6 hang power cleans 6 front rack alternating lunges Rest 2 minutes between each round L1 95/65 L2 115 / 75 L3 135 / 85

Friday, 10-27-2017

Strength — Superset (Deadlift & Barbell Bent Over Row) Work up to 65-70% 4 x 7 @ 65-70% Conditioning — Lurong WoD Raising the Bar Retest. AMRAP 9 8 Lateral Bar Hop Burpees 7 Cleans 135/95 6 Front Rack Lunges 5 S2OH L1: 65/45, Front squats L2: 95/55 L3: 135/95 Cash Out — Shoulder Stability […]

Friday, 10-20-2017

Lurong Challenge WOD. Nimble Sasquatch AMRAP 14 2 Squat Clean and Jerk 165/115 1 Ring Muscle Up 4 Squat Clean and Jerk 2 Ring MU 6 Squat Clean and Jerk 3 Ring MU 8 Squat Clean and Jerk 4Ring MU 10 Squat Clean and Jerk 5 Ring MU L1: Power Clean and Jerk 65/45, Ring […]

Tuesday, 10-17-2017

Dynamic Group Warm-Up Conditioning. Teams of Two; You go I go AMRAP 12 30 Double Unders 20 Wall Balls 10 Parallette Pass Thrus 5 Minute Rest 21-15-9 Cal Row Power Clean Shoulder to overhead 95/65 15 Minute Cap


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