Tuesday, 01-30-2018

Group Warm Up Conditioning Teams of 2 Team Complex 10 Minutes to find a max complex 5 Clean Deadlifts 4 Power Clean 3 Front Squat 2 Squat Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 5 Minute Rest Team Chipper 120 — Sit Ups 20 Cal Row 100 — Russian Kettlebell Swings 70 / 53 20 Cal Row […]

Thursday, 09-21-2017

Warm Up 200m run 5 reps of each movement from the WOD as a group No Vest Conditioning — Cardio “Perfect 10” Take the top movement off each round until left with one movement and a run RX Weight Vest 10 — HSPUs 10 — Burpees 10 — Lateral Lunges 10 — Mountain Climbers 10 […]

Thursday, 06-15-2017

Skill – HSPU progressions Conditioning. For Time 1000m run 50 pushups 40 air squats 30 pullups 20 jumpies 10 HSPU 50 pushups 40 air squats 30 pullups 20 jumpies 10 HSPU 1000m run 35’ time cap

Thursday, 06-08-2017

Group Warm Up Skills. Pistols Conditioning — Chipper w/ Hammer — 40 min cap Meter Run Hammer Strikes Step Ups 24/20 Sit Ups Air Squat Single Arm Man Maker Overhead Lunges Meter Run (same as first run) L1 600m/60 reps L2 800m/80 reps L3 1000m/100 reps

Friday, 05-26-2017

Strength. Week 2 Deadlift Barbell Warm-up Conditioning. For Time* Chipper: 800M Run 5 Power Cleans RX 205/125, RTG 225/135 30 Wall Balls 400M run 10 S2O RX 155/105, RTG 185/110 25 Hollow Rocks 200M run 15 Thrusters RX 135/95, RTG 155/105 20 Burpees *30 Minute Cap

Tuesday, 05-02-2017

Group Warm-up Ab-mat Relays – Carry Ab-mat to each cone Cone 1 – 5 Air Squats, Cone 2 – 5 Sit-ups, Cone 3 – 5 Push-ups, wall – 5 walls balls. Run back and Hand off ab-mat to next teammate in line who then goes through same circuit. 2 lines/2 teams Conditioning Partner Chipper. YGIGO […]

Friday, 12-30-2016

Strength. Overhead Squats 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning. Chipper: 50 Double Unders 10 Power Cleans Rx 155/105, Rtg 185/135 20 Push Jerks Rx 135/95, Rtg 155/105 30 Pull Ups, Rtg C2B 40 Hollow Rocks 50 Push Ups, Rtg hand release 50 Double Unders

Friday, 12-02-2016

Strength. Wendler Deadlift Week2 5×40, 5×50, 3×60, 3×70, 3×80, 3+x90 Conditioning. Chipper: 10 squat cleans (155/125) 20 push jerks (135/95) 30 hollow rocks 40 push ups 50 air squats 600M Run

Tuesday, 11-08-2016

Group Warm-up Conditioning Broken up Chipper 10 Rounds For Time 10 Air Squats 9 Burpees 8 DB Snatch 40+/20+ 7 Ball Slams 20+/15+ 6 Jumping Lunges 5 Russian KB Swings 70/53 4 Push-ups 3 Toes 2 Bar 2 Deadlifts 185/120 1 Clean 185/120

Thursday, 10-20-2016

EMOM. 16 Min Odd Minutes – 6 Ball Slam Half Moons and 16 Mountain Climbers Even Minutes – 1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Power Snatch, 1 overhead Squat 70% – 75% of 1 rpm Conditioning. For Time 75 Double-Unders 21 Ball Slams Push-ups (1 right, 1 left, 1 center = 3 reps) 21 Thrusters rx 95/65, rtg 115/80 […]


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