Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
9am WOD
Teams of 3
Bear crawl + roll slammer ball (20/15)
Each teammate does it once
1000m sled push (2/1)
* 400m: 40 air squats each (go at same time)
* Cul de sac: 40 push-ups each (go at same time)
* End of alley: 40 situps each (go at same time)
FML thruster complex – 3 sets per person, U-go-I-go
5 thrusters + 5 burpee over bar + 5 thrusters (115/75) (95/65)
400m sled push (2/1)
FML kettlebell complex – 3 sets per person, U-go-I-go
5 AKS + 5 ball slams + 5 AKS (72/54) (53/35)
400m sled push (2/1)
Cash out:
Teams have 3 minutes to accumulate max reps of the following. Switch as needed.
* Bench press (135/95)
* Wall balls
* Burpees