Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
Barbell only practice
2 sets for quality:
10 strict press
10 push press
10 push jerk
Seated Dumbbell Press
3 x 10
Rest between sets as needed
2 split jerks each minute (don’t drop the bar, recycle the two reps)
Build to a heavy double
4 RFT – 18 minute cap
200m row
20m walking lunges with overheard DB (your choice on DB weight)
1 rope climb
5 snatches
20m walking lunges with overheard DB
L1: 95/65
L2: 115/75
L3: 135/95 or 10 HSPU
Cash-out for quality
3 x 8 bench press
3 x 10 weighed sit-ups