Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
Hulksterama (No Measure)
Teams of 3
Buy-in: Everyone working at once
25 Sit-ups each
25 burpees each
Split as you see fit
1000m sled push (2/1)
Mailbox: 30 push-ups each
Cul-de-sac: 30 air squats each
End of alley: 30 v-ups each
Back at gym – (split reps, u-go-I-go)
150 wall balls (20/15)
Lift-o-mania – (split reps, u-go-I-go)
45 clean & jerks (115/85) (95/65)
30 clean & jerks (135/95) (115/85)
18 clean & jerks (155/105) (135/95)
800m team run