Hey Everyone! Summer Social Hour is Friday 6/21 right after the 630 WOD. We will throw down Friday Night Lights Style 530 and 630 so bring your a game and fresh fit to change into and head to A La Carte!
Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
9’ EMOM dynamic warmup
100m run
10 plate ground-to-overheads + 10 push-ups
10 barbell presses + 10 jumpies
Partners WOD – (You-go-I-go, split reps format)
30’ AMRAP of
50 partner ball toss sit-ups
400m barbell carry (95/65)
50 American kettlebell swings (53/45)
50 double unders
50 ball slams (20/15)
50 v-ups
400m run
50 push-ups
50 power cleans (115/65)
Notes: If you finish a round under the cap, start over and see how far you can get into the second round.