Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
Metcon (No Measure)
Part 1:
Barbell Bench Press
Alternating Dumbbell Farmer Step Up
Rest as needed and go to Part 2
Part 2:
3 Sets
10 Barbell Deadlift
8-10 Strict Pull Up
16 Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Rest 1:30-2:00 Between Sets
Coaches Notes
For Part 1, not all bench press reps must be performed unbroken, especially the higher reps. We want you to push on these but do not rest longer than 10 seconds if you do end up breaking them up. Step ups are meant to be alternating and performed and with control. Pick a box height and weight that lets you move through them but is still challenging, something heavier than you would typically use in a Daily workout, if possible. Rest as needed but move through the pyramid with consistency.
For Part 2, pick a weight for deadlifts that pushes you hard for 10 reps. The goal is unbroken for at least the first set. Even if you have unassisted pull ups, consider using a band to get the volume and reps in. Focus on a full range of motion – full stretch at the bottom with elbows locked out, open hip (no raised knees), and chin over the bar for each rep.