Primus Fitness – PrimusFit
Saturdays are for complexes (Time)
build to burpee/HPC ladder as a team 95/65
P1: 1 burpee + 1 clean
P2: 2 burpee + 2 clean
P3: 3 B + 3 C
P1: 4 B + 4 C and so on until one parter must break up reps to complete set
Subtract total reps from time as 5 sec per rep.
RKB swings are appropriate as scale.
Teams of 3
1000m row
9 Complex (135/95) 1 Deadlift/1 HPC/1 Front Squat/push jerk/full clean
60 Wall ball
45 box jumps
9 complex
60 Pull ups
45 V ups
9 Complex 1 deadlift/HPC/front squat/push jerk/full clean
60 ball slam
45 burpee over bar
1000m row